
Read more about volunteering at our event


We are looking for volunteers to co-create a magical event with us!

Volunteering makes attending the event into a unique and deeper experience!

It is possible to apply for discount by helping out with all kind of small tasks. If you work for around 4 hours per day you will be able to obtain a full pass for free already! Possible tasks will include a wide array of things, including: kitchen work, preparations & cleaning phase, bar service, etc.

Apply via the link to the volunteer form. You will receive further instructions by email.

Note: the stayovers & food are not included in the reward, you will still need to pay for the accommodation package of your choice.

1. Apply
Fill-in the registration form today!
2. Feedback
You will receive feedback. Maybe we have some questions about your experience, Zouk knowledge or skills.
3. Onboarding
When accepted for the volunteer team, you will receive all further information.