
Travel information and information arriving at the location.


Address of the Castle of Miracles venue:

De Berckt 1, Baarlo, The Netherlands

Free parking available at all times at the location. The gates open automatically.

Location on maps

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Travel distance by car

By public transport

How to get around to/from places close by.

Get around

Guide Surroundings

Want to enjoy the weather for a slow sightseeing trip?

Make a nice walk to the ferry crossing the river to the picturesque village of Steyl.

Distance is about 1,4 km (15 minutes walk).

Price one way per person is €0,50. Make sure to ask what time the last ferry will return!

More information about ferry Baarlo-Steyl (in Dutch only).

Directions Monastery

Stokershorst 1
The Netherlands

The location of the Monastery is about 30 minutes drive from Castle of Miracles.

Please note there is no public transport reaching this place, but when required we will help you to reach the location.

Location on maps