Directions Castle of Miracles

Travel information and information arriving at the location.

Address of the Castle of Miracles venue:

De Berckt 1, Baarlo, The Netherlands

Free parking available at all times at the location. The gates open automatically.

Travel distance by car

Cologne (Germany)

1 hour / 95 km

Antwerps (Belgium)

1 hour 20 minutes / 135 km

Utrecht (Netherlands)

1 hour 25 minutes / 145 km

Dusseldorf airport (Germany)

40 minutes / 65 km

Eindhoven airport (Netherlands)

45 minutes / 70 km

Amsterdam airport (Netherlands)

1 hour 45 minutes / 180 km

By public transport

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Transfer from Venlo

We offer a shuttle service from train station Venlo (one way €5, pay by card to the driver). Between 18:45 and 22:00 on Friday we will pick you up in front of the train station at the K+R, see on Google maps. The bus will have a Zoukdreams logo. When arriving at the station after 22:00 please contact us as early as you know. After the event the shuttle service will run too.

From Venlo station you can also take a public bus to the venue (bus line: 77, platform F, company: Arriva, destination: Roermond). You should step out at: De Berckt (after 14 minutes). During the afternoon this bus leaves every 30 minutes. After 19:00 only once per hour. Last bus leaves 22:30. Full schedule available at: – select: “Bus”, regio “Limburg” and type: 77 + select “Van Venlo via Kessel naar Roermond” (info updated: december 2023).

If you have time to spend, the weather is good and you like sightseeing: another possibility is taking the train from Venlo to the station of Tegelen (first stop). From there you can walk 2 km (20 minutes) to Steyl (beautiful village) where you take the ferry to cross the river. From there it’s 1,8 km (20 minutes) walk to our venue (you can also take a shortcut via the small foothpath immediately on the right side upon exiting the ferry).

Long distance train and bus

In cases of travelling in by public transport from (long) distance, you will have to travel to Venlo station. Information about traveling by train in The Netherlands at: (Dutch railways website). From Venlo you can have a transfer to the Castle of Miracles.

From Dusseldorf airport (Germany) – DUS

From Dusseldorf airport you can take a train or a bus, but this will take you relatively long (2 hours) because it’s a cross-border connection. From Venlo station you can have a transfer to the Castle of Miracles.

From Eindhoven airport (Netherlands) – EIN

From Eindhoven you need to take a bus from the airport to the railway station and thereafter a train to Venlo (39 minutes / €11 single). From Venlo station you can have a transfer to the Castle of Miracles.

From Amsterdam airport (Netherlands) – AMS

From Amsterdam airport (Schiphol) you may have a relatively fast transfer, because you can take a direct train right beneath the terminal (2 hours / €26 single). From Venlo station you can have a transfer to the Castle of Miracles.

Get around

How to get around to/from places close by.

Taxi sevices

For a taxi you can call: at +31 77 700 1250, or another company at +31 6 8104 0406 (call them at least 1 hour in advance). We verified they have plenty of availability. You may also use online apps when they are available.

Bicycle rental

Being in The Netherlands you want to drive around on a bicycle! To rent one close by go to which is even walkable (20 minutes, 1,8 km). They offer many different sorts, including electric ones.

Directions Monastery

Travel information and information arriving at the location.

Address of The Monastery venue:

Stokershorst 1
The Netherlands

The location of the Monastery is about 30 minutes drive from Castle of Miracles.

Please note there is no public transport reaching this place, but when required we will help you to reach the location.