March 29 to April 2
– Easter weekend 2024 –

In the Dutch province of Limburg, we created an extraordinary Zouk fairytale on old Roman era crossroads and at the premises of a medieval castle. A joyous group of people enjoyed a great Zouk marathon and retreat. At the same time we offered the opportunity to discover some Miracles of Zouk, for example: greater connections, beautiful experiences, deeper knowledge and powerful expressions.. Make sure to subscribe to the Zoukdreams newsletter to not miss out on news for the next edition!

Thank you so much for joining our weekend in 2023!

After the fantastic first edition in 2023, which was sold-out *, we are looking forward to repeat this next year! Of course we already have a long list of things which we want to make even better and we are already working on all kind of surprises. At least it will be at the same stunning location, where we will welcome a mixture of incredible artists again and have the capacity to receive about the same amount of joyous people!

* Our full-pass and most accommodation optios were sold out

The venue & your stay

We don’t have much film material yet as this will be the first Zoukdreams event at this new place, but click to watch a video from a different sort of festival (non-Zouk event) shot at the main hall of our venue.

To see more pictures go to our page with impressions of the venue (link below). The same page also gives you all opportunities of package deals for your stay.

Located near Venlo, The Netherlands

The Zoukdreams Castle of Miracles is very central in Western Europe. Driving distances, to Dusseldorf (+ airport): 40 min, Cologne: 1 hour, Antwerps: 1 hour 30 min, Amsterdam (+ airport): 1 hour 45 min.

Many nearby possibilities

The town of Venlo is nearby and the train station just 6 kilometers. Although you can enjoy the full weekend at the accommodation, anything you would need is close by.

Why and what, the Castle of Miracles:

Our venue is in The Netherlands, close to Germany, very central in Western-Europe. The roots of the castle go back to 13th century and the current building is from 1830. It is surrounded by nature and the river Maas. In between workshops you can take a breath of fresh air and walk through the gardens and forest on the property.

For Zoukdreams we only use a modern building next to the old castle. But this is in fact the real Castle of Miracles: it is a new fantasy castle created from re-used materials from local buildings, including some old fortifications of the town of Venlo. The modern building has bigger rooms to dance and up to date, comfortable sleeping rooms.

About Zoukdreams:

Johannes (DJ Zoukerro) started to organize events in 2007. Every year since than, Zoukdreams has created different new large event concepts surprising and inspiring the Dutch Zouk scene. In 2009 Zoukdreams created CEZATH (Contemporary European Zouk Assembly The Hague), with many Brazilian teachers, including: Renata Pecanha, Jorge Peres, Adilio, Mafie Zouker, Leonardo Neves, Layssa Liebscher, Gilson Damasco, Max BlackSoul, Nyx.

Organizing occasional large Zouk events lead in the end to a series of the YUZE (Your Ultimate Zouk Esthesia) concept between 2014 and 2017. In 2018 and 2019 the first Zoukdreams weekenders took place.